YYFAP has many wonderful volunteers. There are many ways to contribute to the lives of children and youth in our community. You can share a hobby or skill, help supervise, assist with housekeeping, clerical work, or serve on one of our committees. Here is a sample of the ways you can help:
- Supervise and lead special small group activities with the kids
- Share your skills in art or music
- Help organize and plan special projects
- Serve on the YYFAP fundraising committee
- Work special events like Duck Race or Music That Matters
If you can’t volunteer you can still make an impact on our future by making a donation.
Please consider contributing to an organization that serves the Yachats community well and all of South Lincoln County. By caring for the well-being of our children now, we will gain later by creating caring adults for the future. We all thank you for your support.
Mail your tax-deductible contribution to
EIN 31-1726227
Estate Planning
Please consider including YYFAP in your estate planning. If you are interested in more information about including YYFAP in your estate planning, please contact us at 541-547-4599 or by email at yyfapkids@gmail.com.
Donate via Paypal!
You can easily donate via PayPal. They accept credit cards and you do not need a PayPal account to donate!
Rewards Programs
EIN 31-1726227