Ways You Can Help


YYFAP has many wonderful volunteers. There are many ways to contribute to the lives of children and youth in our community. You can share a hobby or skill, help supervise, assist with housekeeping, clerical work, or serve on one of our committees. Here is a sample of the ways you can help:

  • Supervise and lead special small group activities with the kids
  • Share your skills in art or music
  • Help organize and plan special projects
  • Serve on the YYFAP fundraising committee
  • Work special events like Duck Race or Music That Matters

If you can’t volunteer you can still make an impact on our future by making a donation.


Please consider contributing to an organization that serves the Yachats community well and all of South Lincoln County. By caring for the well-being of our children now, we will gain later by creating caring adults for the future. We all thank you for your support.

Mail your tax-deductible contribution to

PO Box 151
Yachats 97498

EIN 31-1726227

Estate Planning

Please consider including YYFAP in your estate planning. If you are interested in more information about including YYFAP in your estate planning, please contact us at 541-547-4599 or by email at yyfapkids@gmail.com.



Donate via Paypal!

You can easily donate via PayPal. They accept credit cards and you do not need a PayPal account to donate!


Rewards Programs

Donate through rewards programs
If you shop at Fred Meyers, C&K, and Ray’s grocery stores you can use the rewards programs to support YYFAP. Just choose YYFAP as the community program that you would like to support.

Yachats Youth And Family Activities Program Inc

EIN 31-1726227

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